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我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life

[01-13 14:38:57]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  大学英语作文   阅读:6701
概要: I assume that this is how those "bed talks" changed us. Ask any psychiatrist and you'll know (because this is exactly what they do to their patients) that to lie comforta
我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life,标签:大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文网,http://www.xuexue6.com
I assume that this is how those "bed talks" changed us. Ask any psychiatrist and you'll know (because this is exactly what they do to their patients) that to lie comfortably in bed is the only way to make someone open his mind. Therefore during bed talks we were able to touch the most intrinsic part of each other,and scrutinize the details of a totally different mind. I was amazed at realizing the great difference among people in terms of their ways of thinking, and the diversity of personalities. This changed our attitudes toward others, and made us more under standing than ever.
If you ask me, among all the bed talks, which one gave me the deepest impression, I would say it was that night when I insisted that Louis was the prettiest girl in our class and Jerry said he would rather die than agree with me. Now after three years Jerry is dating Louis and I am still single. What a quack!
Frankly, I could hardly think of anything particularly special about dormitory life. There was never such a thing that had a dramatic impact on me. All that occurred to me were bits of trivial memories, such as the tears of Lance after he was refused by a girl, the grotesque expressions on James's face when he finally got his pills for stomach ache after staying for half an hour with the school doctor who was notorious for his loquacity, and the night when Jerry dragging a broken leg hopped all the way back with an arm around my neck... These may mean nothing to outsiders, but to my roommates and me they are priceless. It was exactly through these trivial things that we grew and matured. By the time we had to say good bye to our dormitory, we all knew that we were no longer the kids of there three years before. We all knew that this precious period of time would never come back again since we were all changed by the dormitory, and because of that, we all felt like sobbing.

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