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五年级英语5B单元检测(Unit 1-Unit 2)

[03-04 16:17:56]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  小学五年级英语试卷   阅读:6890
概要:听力部分一、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear 判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(8%)1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )5. (
五年级英语5B单元检测(Unit 1-Unit 2),标签:小学五年级英语试卷,小学五年级英语教案,http://www.xuexue6.com


  一、Listen and judge whether the pictures accords with what you hear  判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,用“√”或“×”表示(8%)

  1. (   )       2. (   )         3. (    )        4. (   )

  5. (   )       6. (   )         7. (    )        8. (   )

  二、Listen and choose the word which belongs to the different category with the word you hear听录音,找出与所听单词不同类的词,将序号和单词写在横线上(8%)

  1.     __       __________ 2.  _   __      __________

  3.    _   _     __________ 4.     _ _  _   __________

  5. _________    __________     6. __________  __________

  7. _________    __________     8. __________   __________

  三、Listen and fill in the blanks, then answer the questions听录音, 先填空再回答问题(14%)

  Today is ________. In Class 2, Grade 5, everyone is here. But David ________. He ________ got a ________ ________.There are four ________ in the morning and one in the ________. When classes are ________, Mike calls David. David feels better . He wants to know homework. So Mike will go to tell him, and ________ some ________ for him, too.

  1. What day is it today?


  2. What‘s wrong with David?


  3.  How many classes do they have today?


  4.  Why does Mike go to David’s home?



  三、Read and find out whether the sound of underlined parts are same or not, write “√”if they are same, write“×” if they are different  判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同, 相同打“√”,不同打“×”(9%)

  1 come          2    so            3   to

  brother  (   )       on     (   )       cold     (   )

  4     social          5   Monday       6    sofa

  computer (   )       hot    (   )       hope     (   )

  7     Maths         8    term          9    feel

  has (   )      better (   )       read  (   )

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