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[03-01 17:57:07]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  职场英语   阅读:6705
概要:英:When meeting someone in a Western business setting, conversation usually remains focused on business matters and business topics. Family and/or personal matters are not brought up, especially the fi

  英:When meeting someone in a Western business setting, conversation usually remains focused on business matters and business topics. Family and/or personal matters are not brought up, especially the first time you meet. Conversations stick to the business purpose at hand and remain objective and professional.

  中:当在西方的商务场合中会见某人时,对话通常围绕着一些商业问题或商业话题,而不会涉及家庭和个人问题,特别是第一次见面时。对话会紧扣眼前的商业目标, 从而保持它的客观性和专业性。

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Tag:职场英语职场英语培训,职场英语学习英语学习 - 商务英语 - 职场英语
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