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作文:英语感人作文-一件感人的事-A Touching Eve

[01-12 23:26:26]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  感人的作文   阅读:6218
概要:英语感人作文-一件感人的事-A Touching EventYesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy
作文:英语感人作文-一件感人的事-A Touching Eve,标签:关于感人的作文,感人故事作文,http://www.xuexue6.com

英语感人作文-一件感人的事-A Touching Event

Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy family. They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was struggling and her parents cried out, "Help!Help !" It was obvious that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. At last he carried her to the lake side. She was saved!

(52 www.xuexue6.com整理)

     How happy the parents were! Before they thought of thanking the Young man, he had disappeared!




(52 www.xuexue6.com整理)



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