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妈妈,请相信我吧-Mom,Please Trust Me Again!,妈妈,

[01-13 14:14:30]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  初中英语作文   阅读:6204
概要:妈妈,请相信我吧-Mom,Please Trust Me Again! 英语作文网整理 在我犯那些蠢错误之前,妈妈一直是非常信任我的。她认为我是一个诚实的孩子。可我再也不能拥有这份信任了。我真不该对她撒谎,我多么后悔呀!事情是这样的。有一次我数学考试不及格,可我骗妈妈说我考得不错。起初她相信了,可过了几天她从我老师口中知道了真相。从那以后我还犯过相似的愚蠢错误。妈妈曾经告诉我犯错是没什么的
妈妈,请相信我吧-Mom,Please Trust Me Again!,妈妈,,标签:初中英语作文题目,初中英语学习,http://www.xuexue6.com
妈妈,请相信我吧-Mom,Please Trust Me Again! 英语作文网整理


Before I made those silly mistakes, mother trusted me all the time.She regarded me as an honest kid. But I could never own her trust any more. How I regretted having lied to her! Here was one of the stupid mistakes I've made. I failed in a math exam, but I lied to mother that I got a good mark. She believed me at first, but several days later she got the truth from my teacher's mouth. I made several similar mistakes since then. Mother told me that it doesn't matter to make mistakes, but it is really important to admit and correct mistakes. I swore to correct my bad deeds.But it seems that mother will never trust me as before. How I wish mother could trust me again!

妈妈,请相信我吧-Mom,Please Trust Me Again! 英语整理
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