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家-永恒的喜悦(Home-A Joy Forever)

[01-13 14:29:58]   来源:http://www.xuexue6.com  中考英语作文   阅读:6594
家-永恒的喜悦(Home-A Joy Forever),标签:中考英语作文范文,初三中考英语作文,http://www.xuexue6.com



  home means a lot to me. “be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.” i appreciate the warmth of my home, and regard it as one of the brightest and dearest spots on earth.

  it is the place where i can take refuge whenever i meet with difficulties, failures and even frustrations in my daily life. at home, my dear parents and brothers and sisters will comfort me and cheer me up. and with their concern and encouragement, i will regain my self-confidence and muster up all my strength and courage to face the stern realities of life. to me, home is forever a joy where i can always find love, understanding, care and help.

Tag:中考英语作文中考英语作文范文,初三中考英语作文英语作文 - 中考英语作文
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